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The issue tracker is to be used for bug reports, enhancements, or general questions

If you wish to contribute to the pygrmp codebase, feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request. We use flake8, isort, pylint, and black to enforce a consistent coding style; having these set up in your editor of choice is a great boon to your development process.

Want to jump in?

  • Help us fix bugs: This is a good place to start if you're new to the project. Help is always appreciated!
  • Write code: Ready to write some python with us? These issues are waiting for you!
  • Write documentation: Some additionnal documentation could be added to some features. Feel free to help us help others use the library better!
  • Discuss: There are still some open ended questions in this project. Join in on the discussion!


To get ready to work on the codebase, please do the following:

  1. Fork and clone the repository
  2. Create your own branch, ensure that you are branching from master
    • This is generally done in console with git checkout -b branchNameHere
  3. Create a virtual environment for your development
  4. Code to your heart's content!
  5. Submit a merge request to the develop branch

Additional notes

In order to test your changes you may want to create a separate directory to import and test your modified pygrpm library. A simple way to install your changes from a local directory (thus avoiding having to deal with constant remote installs) is to run the following from your virtual environment * pip install -e /path/to/your/pygrpm/ See docs

Any changes saved in your pygrpm folder will be immediately reflected in your imported version


Deployment is made by the gitlab runner via tags.